Introduction to Digital Modulation

Doug Hoyte


Digital Modulation

At some level, all digital communication is done over analog media

Techniques of digital modulation

A⋅sin(2⋅π⋅f⋅x + Φ)

Amplitude Modulation

For analog data like voice, amplitude modulation works by combining a signal with a carrier in a non-linear way:

Diode Mixers


Amplitude Modulation results in two signals of slightly different frequencies known as sidebands:

Sidebands: phase relationship

Notice how the output is at its maximum when the sidebands are in phase and minimum when out of phase (consider also guitar tuning):


The original signal is present in the modulated signal as the envelope. Note that it is shifted up above the X axis ("raised"):

Morse Code (CW)

Amplitude Modulation of a digital signal

A simplistic implementation of amplitude-shift keying is on-off keying:

Square waves

The problem with square wave envelopes is they contain an infinite number of harmonics (every 3rd). If used as a keying waveform you get infinite sidebands:

Demo: Harmonics

Frequency response of a pulse

CW Envelope Shaping and Bandwidth

Keying Envelope Shaping

Keying Envelope Steepness

Demo: Morse code key shaping

Gaussian Minimum-Shift Keying

Frequency-shift keying



RTTY: Still in use

  • RTTY is still popular on amateur bands even though it is quite bandwidth inefficient
  • Must be careful about USB vs LSB: If transmitted on lower sideband the output at the antenna will be inverse of audio
  • Fairly resilient to frequency drift and multi-path distortion
  • RTTY uses constant power so doesn't require a linear amplifier

Demo: RTTY implementation

  • Show RTTY waterfall and fldigi decoding

Phase-shift keying

  • Phase-shift keying is a type of angle modulation (as is FSK)
  • Pure PSK modifies the phase of a carrier but preserves amplitude and frequency
  • Conceptually, phase-shift keying instantly switches between two or more out-of-phase but otherwise equivalent oscillators

Abrupt phase shifts

  • Abrupt 180 degree phase-shifts are twice as bad as on-off keying because they are like simultaneously keying off one signal and keying on another

Demo: unsmoothed phase-shift

  • Show the waterfall output of an abrupt phase-shift
  • Notice how audibly apparent it is

Constellation diagrams

  • The phase properties of a signal are commonly shown on a complex plane called the I-Q plane
  • All points on the circle represent signals of the same power output so any purely phase-modulated signal must only use symbols on this circle

Binary PSK

  • Binary phase-shift keying uses only two signals that are 180 degrees out-of-phase with each-other
  • The phases are on the real number-line. 1 is sin(x) and 0 is -sin(x)

Differential Binary PSK

  • Differential binary phase-shift keying is where the absolute phase of the original signal is irrelevant
  • The fact that a phase changes or does not change is how symbols are signalled

PSK-31: A lot of fun

  • Popular ham mode: A world-wide chatroom — no internet required
  • A typical evening on 20 meters (14.070150 MHz):

PSK-31 Details

  • Several variations available but by far most commonly used is known as PSK-31 (technically DBPSK-31.25)
  • Differential Binary Phase-Shift Keying at 31.25 baud (roughly as fast as most people type)
  • Also uses a form of amplitude modulation: Peak power of PSK-31 is about 2 times more than average power so a linear amplifier is required
  • 31.25 is convenient when using a sample rate of 8000 because the key shaping waveform has a nice even period of 256 samples (32 milliseconds)


  • PSK-31 uses a custom encoding called varicode
  • Like morse code, frequently used symbols have shorter encodings than rare symbols
  • Encoded symbols never contain adjacent 0s (the character separator)
  • Self-synchronizing: if you lose your place in a stream you can re-synchronize at the next character (like UTF-8)
      " "    : 1
      "e"    : 11
      "t"    : 101
      "b"    : 1011111
      "Q"    : 111011101
      "\xEE" : 101010111101

Raised cosine shaping

  • In order to soften the phase shifts, the signal is passed through a raised cosine filter

PSK-31: Time Domain

  • Here is a PSK-31 signal relative to a phase-invariant carrier
  • The message is 3 bits: 100

PSK-31 is Overmodulated AM

  • Another way to consider PSK-31 is a 200% over-modulated AM signal

Demo: PSK-31

  • Show PSK-31 waterfall and fldigi decoding
  • String of 0s (phase shifts)
  • String of 1s (no phase shifts)

Quadrature PSK

  • Quadrature phase-shift keying uses more symbols than binary PSK
  • Unlike binary PSK it uses the Q axis (Quadrature axis) as well as the I axis (In-Phase axis)

Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

  • Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) is a combination of phase-shift keying and amplitude-shift keying
  • This constellation diagram depicts a rectangular QAM:

Non-amateur applications

  • Digital modulation techniques are used by all modern communication technologies, not just amateur radio
  • ASK is used in fiber optics since spectrum efficiency is less important
  • Touch-tone dialing and caller-id use FSK
  • Most RFID standards use DBPSK (like PSK-31)
  • Bluetooth 1 and GSM use GMSK
  • WiFi negotiates between DBPSK, DQPSK, QAM, etc

Get involved in amateur radio!

Doug Hoyte
  • Looking for a challenging and exciting new hobby? Interested in radio technology? Want to be able to help your community in case of an emergency? Get involved in amateur radio!
  • Toronto Amateur Radio Club: (meetings are 3rd monday of the month)
  • Radio Amateurs of Canada:
  • fldigi:
  • PDL::Radio: